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Criminal Law Blog

What Happens If You Fail to Comply with Bail Conditions in Canada?

Failing to comply with bail conditions in Canada can lead to severe consequences, including new charges, revoked bail, and potentially harsher penalties.


Can You Be Jailed for Tax Evasion in Canada?

Yes, you can be jailed for tax evasion in Canada. The consequences range from hefty fines to prison terms, depending on the extent of the offence.


Is Video Recording Without Consent Illegal in Canada?

Is recording someone without their consent illegal in Canada? The answer depends on the context — public or private spaces, harassment, or voyeurism laws.


How Much Does it Cost to Hire a Criminal Lawyer in Toronto?

If you are charged with a criminal offence in the Toronto area you should definitely seek out the services of an experienced criminal lawyer. While hiring a criminal lawyer does not…


What is Indecent Exposure and Other “Indecent Acts” in Canada?

Indecent exposure and other indecent acts in Canada involve behaviours that violate societal norms of decency. Understanding these offences, their definitions, and potential penalti…


Can a Canadian with a Criminal Record Travel to Mexico?

Canadians with a criminal record may face challenges traveling to Mexico. Entry depends on the nature of the offence, as Mexican authorities assess each case individually, prioritiz…


Is Stealthing Illegal in Canada?

Stealthing, or non-consensually removing a condom during sex, is now considered a form of sexual assault in Canada. Understanding this offence and its legal implications is crucial …


Tips on Defending DUI Charges in Ontario without a Lawyer

Section 10(b) of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms gives everyone arrested or detained by police the right to “retain and instruct counsel without delay and to be informed…


Is Cyberstalking Recognized as a Crime in Canada?

If you were to respond to the above headline, you would likely say something along the lines of, “Yes, of course, cyberstalking is against the law in Canada.” However, you might be …


What is Ontario’s “Back on Track” Program for Those Convicted of DUI?

Getting “back on track” is generally a good thing. In many cases, it is necessary to get back on track after a career setback, academic difficulties, financial instability, relation…


What Are the Three Primary Defences Against Sexual Assault Accusations

Two elderly Canadian billionaires are making headlines after police agencies charged them with sexual assault and other sexual offences earlier this Spring. In late May,


Can You Refuse a Roadside Breath Test in Ontario?

If Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) pull you over for a traffic stop, don’t be surprised when the officer requests a mandatory roadside alcohol breath test from you.
