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Criminal Law Blog

When Do You Need a Criminal Lawyer in Toronto?


What is the Hourly Rate of Ontario Criminal Defence Lawyers?


How Much Does it Cost to Hire a Criminal Lawyer in Toronto?


Accused of Sexual Assault in Toronto? Here's What You Need to Know

Toronto and the rest of Canada take sexual assault crimes seriously. For convicted offenders, they could spend up to a decade in prison. And so, when allegations are brought up agai…


How to Beat an Assault Charge in Canada

People charged with assault in Canada are often confused about the legal jeopardy they potentially face. When people charged with assault contact our Toronto-area law offices for he…


How to Beat DUI Charges in Ontario

When people charged with drinking and driving (D&D) offences in Ontario contact our Toronto-area law offices for help, their first questions typically revolve around whether the cha…


7 Day-to-Day Challenges Criminal Lawyers Face in Their Careers


The Rise in Domestic Assault Charges Amid COVID-19 Pandemic

COVID-19 has, without a doubt, changed the way we live our daily lives. From the schools that our children learn to the offices that we used to work at, almost all of our activity i…


Mass Tsang Criminal Trial Lawyers Get Gun and Drug Charges Dropped


What is Domestic Violence (Assault)?

Domestic violence and domestic assault includes any behavior used to assert control over somebody in your household. Victims of domestic abuse can include spouses, domestic partners…


Distracted Driving in 2019


Understanding the Over 80 Rule and Impaired Driving in Ontario
