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Criminal Law Blog

What is Mistake of Fact or Law Defence in Canadian Criminal Law?


What is Embezzlement, and How Does One Fight This Charge?

The term “embezzlement” tends to make the news when the embezzlement involves large sums of money. Such as most recently in the Greater Toronto Area when a provincial government bur…


Can You Get a DUI Criminal Record Removed in Canada?


Can You Get a DUI for Driving After Drinking Too Much Coffee?


What to Know About the Intoxication Defence in Canadian Criminal Law


What is Sexual Interference Under Canadian Law?

Canada’s Criminal Code treats sexual assault and related sexual offences as serious criminal offences that can result in severe penalties upon conviction. During the 2019-2020 repor…


Is it Possible to Get Car Insurance After Getting a DUI in Ontario?

Your Greater Toronto Area defence lawyer will tell you that a conviction for DUI results in severe penalties that will negatively impact your life. Under Canada’s Criminal Code, imp…


Gun Control Legislation in Canada


What to Know About Insanity Defence in Canadian Criminal Law


What to Know About Entrapment Defence in Canadian Criminal Law


Is Verbal Assault a Crime in Canada?

Everyone knows that the childhood adage “sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me” isn’t exactly true. Words can hurt, and even though they can’t break the…


What is the Difference Between Assault and Battery?

People who consult with our Toronto-area lawyers about their assault charges often ask what the difference is between assault and battery. This is an interesting question because th…
